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Services and Pricing 

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*New pricing effective January 1, 2024

Routine Eye Exam/Eyeglass Exam/Emergency Visit $75.00
We offer routine eye exams to check your eye health annually or exams for current eyeglass wearers who need to update their prescriptions. Your visit includes checking the near vision, distance vision, glaucoma screening, etc. We can also assist with DMV forms (for the State of VA a basic Visual Field test is required). 
Contact Lens Fitting and Exam $115.00-$190.00 (and up)
We can fit most contact lens brands including those for astigmatism, monovision, multi-focal and rigid gas permeable! Color contacts also available!  This includes an updated glasses prescription.
*Please call for more information


A Contact Lens training class is available and required for all new contact lens wearers, for $40.00.

Office Visit $45.00
For established patients; Call for details.


Visual Field $15.00-$45.00

Offering basic screening and some advanced visual field testing.


Retinal photography (Optos)  $25.00

© 2014 by Dr Brandy McCormack, OD. Proudly created with

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